Sunday 29 January 2012

Strategy and Growth at St Peter's Harold Wood, plus other stuff

Not much time blogging, as you may have noticed, in the past few days.

Yesterday I spent with the PCC and other leaders from St Peter's Harold Wood, and their 'church plant' at Immanuel Brentwood, who had gathered at Pilgrim's Hall in Ongar to think about their strategy and vision for growth.

I'm glad to say they'd all got a copy of my Strategy that Changes the Denomination, which they're studying together.

We looked at the issues of gospel growth and gospel leadership -- particularly the principle that the means of gospel proclamation and the style of leadership should reflect the content of the gospel, that Christ who was rich, became poor for our sakes.

The day before that, I spent the morning at a studio in central London recording for 4thought TV on Channel 4. An hour of material will be edited down into 90 seconds, which includes me walking on and looking into the camera. Each week they take a topic, and in my particular case it was same-sex marriages in Anglican churches. The programmes go out after the 7pm news, and mine should be on during the week beginning 5th Feb.

Thursday was also busy, but largely thanks to the fact that on Wednesday this here laptop had a disastrous failure and everything had to be reinstalled. PTL for backups.

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