Friday 15 February 2013

A Job Vacancy in Suffolk

Someone contacted me to point out a vacancy in Suffolk at St John's Church, Elmswell, where Mike McNamara used to be vicar

The closing date is the 6th March. Details on the Diocesan website here.

What the PCC is looking for in a new Incumbent:

• A person who is pastorally sensitive, with a heart for evangelism who enjoys meeting people and has the ability and concern to nurture a diverse congregation.

• A minister who has a clear and deeply rooted biblically based faith, secure and confident in their spiritual and personal life.

• Someone who will undertake and encourage outreach to the young through contact with the schools and youth groups.

• A person who is strong in their support for marriage and family life.

• Someone who is wholly aligned with the church’s evangelical outlook, who enjoys a variety of worship - traditional and modern, formal and informal.

• We are seeking someone with a good sense of humour who has skill and passion for engagement in the local community, both by meeting those from the community and by taking our mission out into the parish. We would welcome outreach through Christianity Explored as this has been successful in the past.

• We need someone with leadership, organisational and IT skills, willing to delegate and to encourage people to become actively involved in the life of the church and its activities in the parish, thereby utilising all the various gifts which our church members have to offer.
