Friday, 14 October 2011

More Jupiter

Bit washed out by the nearby full moon tonight.
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  1. This is stunning. I use a Skywatcher 200p Dob without automatic tracking so astrophotography isn't possible. What set up do you use, Rev?

  2. Thanks Matt. My setup is a Meade ETX 125 and a Philips SPC900 webcam with an IR filter on the front. The initial processing is in Registax with a bit of tweaking using PhotoPlus X2 (the poor man's Adobe Photoshop).

    The Meade tracking using alt/az isn't that great. Ok for human eye, but too jerky for photography really, and I hadn't had time to set up polar alignment.

    I'd be envious of the view you get with a Dobsonian, but as you say, not ideal for photos - though you could undoubtedly get the moon just by sticking a camera to the eyepiece!

    As a PS, if I were starting again, I'd buy a mount first, then a telescope!
