Sunday, 16 October 2011

Blogging is so much easier ...

Now that I've discovered an online Lorem Ipsum Generator. Anyone who knows what that means will understand the rest of this post.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus euismod lorem sed ligula. Suspendisse non dui id leo ullamcorper blandit. Donec nibh tortor, ultrices quis, convallis nec, vestibulum in, libero. Ut accumsan. Nullam semper purus.

    Curabitur faucibus volutpat quam. Nunc fermentum. Mauris bibendum dui ac lectus. Nunc dui mauris, porttitor nec, tempor vel, nonummy eget, arcu. Nullam eget nunc in libero condimentum cursus.

    Nulla tincidunt pulvinar ante. Mauris ut dolor eu nisl euismod auctor. Praesent vel dolor. Sed feugiat mauris vel arcu. Pellentesque diam sapien, tempus sed, ullamcorper id, tempor vitae, lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque quis sapien nec erat auctor cursus. Duis quis quam ac massa elementum imperdiet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent tellus nibh, viverra at, tincidunt ac, interdum in, velit. Morbi eget mi. In adipiscing.

    Sed fermentum convallis erat. Quisque gravida nulla quis tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat.
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  1. I should post one of these! At least you feel that somethings going up there...

  2. I think this post makes some excellent points and I'll have to fast and meditate on the underlying premise for a few days in order to formulate my response.

    In the meantime; I'm glad you've articulated this, and let's face it; it's no easy topic to tackle. I think most Christians subconsciously seek to avoid musing on this, as it really is thorny and seems to bring out the worst in folks.

  3. Sorry, I should have noted above that I wholeheartedly agree with this:

    Pellentesque quis sapien nec erat auctor cursus. Duis quis quam ac massa elementum imperdiet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

    And it annoys me to witness some chucking out the baby with the bath water; as I personally view this as self-evident and not a little profound.

    I think folk in general just simply don't 'get it', when it comes to this.

  4. Really John, if you're going to criticise your bishop in such a direct manner, you should do it in English rather than Latin!

  5. John,
    Sorry but the Beaker Folk got there before you. Thomas Hardy Plot Generator makes just as much sense.

  6. You sound like a politician John! They speak Lorem Ipsem all the time! Or maybe a lawyer ...

    Imogen Taylor (Derby)

  7. Lorem Ipsem liturgy as well! How about Songs of Fellowship in Lorem Ipsem - it might make more sense.

    I was interested in the reference to Mauris bibendum - wasn't he an old pal of Denis Thatcher, or possibly a Brazilian footballer, I forget which. Or perhaps I am thinking of Pellentesque.
