Wednesday 2 July 2008

Two new GAFCON petitions

The petition for English PCCs and other organizations wishing to express solidarity with GAFCON is now available online here.

Due to several non-English residents wishing to sign the petition for individuals, a 'Global' petition is now available here.

No comments will be posted without a full name and location, see the policy.


  1. Hello!

    I am a parishioner at an Anglican Church in the state of Kentucky. We are part of the Diocese of Bunyoro-Kitara and under his grace, Henry Orombi, Archbishop of Uganda. I am so thankful that we have one of the most Spirit-filled Godly men I've ever had the pleasure to meet as our Archbishop.

    This is a wonderful idea, the petitions that have been set up, and I am so thankful that someone is doing this. BTW, I found you by way of Kendall Harmon's blog and have so enjoyed reading your archives and listening to your audio clips..etc...God bless you and all other faithful clergy and laity in the UK and beyond.

    In Christ,
    Rebecca Chamberlain

  2. Sorry about leaving out the post should have ended:

    Rebecca Chamberlain
    Kentucky, USA
