Wednesday 18 July 2012

From the 2012 Anglican Evangelical Junior Clergy Conference

Where I have just been for the last three days.

Above, our vision statement. Below, attendees on the last day.

The conference statement.

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  1. Sorry, Revd John, but my bowels shrived when I saw this picture. Negative, and possibly a tad unfair and displaying more than a hint of my prejudiced thinking, but my thought on seeing this photographs was:

    ‘I wonder what the collective noun is for a group of Evangelical Smiles – mainly men – probably all middle-class and definitely ALL white; with a certain outlook on life and often a similar background (‘the haves’ of society, comfortably well off, without being stinking rich, attended a Russell Group university, usually leading lights in the CU etc.... almost all products of the white middle-class machine); happy to engage with their own kind, but at a bit of a loss when it comes to the rest of society? Blame the liberals and homos for demise of the church! But perhaps it is time to look at little closer to home – here we see a real cross section of society... I think not!’

    I was transported back to my four year membership of St George’s Leeds – an island of white middle-class professionals in a sea of inner city life. The church even had to establish a ‘parish church’ for those who actually lived in the area, because the commuting middle-class congregation was unable to mix with the natives and the natives felt excluded and put off by the Sunday influx from the more well to do suburbs... So much for Galatians 3:28!

    I sure these fine souls are unlike how I imagine them... But I’m afraid they do ‘look’ the part!

  2. You can tell that from a photo. I wonder what you'd make of a photo of our church?

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  4. Peter,
    How well you display your prejudices.

    My thought on seeing this picture was that it looked like a bunch of Monty Python fans about to sing 'the Lumberjack song"

    I'm sure that they didn't do that though.

    Chris Bishop
