Tuesday 17 July 2012

The definitive way ahead for the Church of England on women bishops

From the Daily Mail: to the left, the Measure amended for the Traditionalists, to the right, the Measure amended for the Revisionists. Choose your route carefully.

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  1. The Daily Mail is to the left? That's not something you hear every day

  2. Unfortunately neither is correct appreciation of punctuation (here, commas) something you see every day....

  3. Ah, that's better.

    Dan (and above, sorry)

  4. Interesting that as the left and right lanes progress the middle lane slowly but surely disappears. Prophetic perhaps?

  5. Andrew Godsall18 July 2012 at 12:35

    Ha ha..but if you travel the other way you notice that as the left and right diverge, the middle lane gets wider. Also prophetic?

  6. Not sure it's prophetic, as the whole point of the CofE's broad church approach is to have a very wide middle lane.

  7. Not sure this helps, John, as there's a dustcart in the Olympic lane, and a parked van in the Bus lane. Whichever way you go, there'll be something there to stop you. Now that might be even more prophetic...
