Wednesday 18 November 2009

Episcopal credit where it's due

In the ‘credit where credit is due’ department, I want to note that I’ve just come back from a very positive episcopal review with my Area Bishop, the Rt Revd Christopher Morgan.
It was a bit overdue (like about two years), but timely given our interregnum and the other stuff currently going on.
I think it was helped by me not completing the official review form. I spent a depressing half hour the other day trying to tick its particular boxes and eventually decided I’d just write him a couple of sides on where and what I was up to.
We thus spent a happy hour and a half discussing a whole range of things, which included sharing our perspectives on what it means to be Anglican, doctrinally as well as functionally.
He has also invited me to go back and talk with him in the New Year over the issue of women bishops.
So, all in all, a much better start to today than yesterday which began with a sudden invitation to see the dentist about a painful tooth, followed by half-an-hour drilling for gold. (At least, I guessed that must have been what he was after, when I got the bill.)
John Richardson
18 November 2009
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  1. Correct apostrophe in the heading, yob's apostrophe in the text. Should be second nature.

  2. Quite right, Frank. Its done. ;-)
