Friday, 10 April 2009

The Bishop of Chester: 'normal' relations with TEC must be questioned

(The Bishop of Chester 'gets it' with TEC. Why do so many other bishops in the Church of England not?)

To the Church of England Newspaper April 9


Of all the reports emanating from The Episcopal Church in recent years, I consider that concerning the appointment of Katharine Ragsdale as Dean of Episcopal Divinity School in Massachusetts (April 3) to be the most shocking. That a promoter of abortion on demand, who describes abortionists as engaged in ‘holy work’, might be given such a senior position must call in question any possibility of normal relations with the province concerned.

If any right-thinking Christian has doubted the potential need for a new province in North America, they should ponder your astonishing report.

The Rt Rev Peter Forster, Bishop of Chester

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  1. What compounds the folly of the appointment is the way it is being cheered on by key figures within TEC ... and yet there is a stream of 'noes' to Kevin Forrester's attempt to gain consent as a bishop ... could the Anglican Communion retain TEC and welcome ACNA? (It might be 'ideal' to expel TEC and welcome ACNA, but is that a realistic expectation?)
    Back to Chester: a good man!

  2. I'd love to hear what +Michael Winchester or his Suffragan +Paul Bournemouth have to say. Both are solidly orthodox and +Michael has been quite vocal against TEC's aggressive secularisation cum apostacy.
