Thursday, 11 September 2008

8th Chelmsford Anglican Bible Conference

Chelmsford Anglican Bible Conference 2008
Romans - a letter that has changed the world
with Giles Walter, vicar of St John's Tunbridge Wells

Saturday 4th October
Central Baptist Church, Victoria Road South, Chelmsford
£15 individual booking, £40 for three, £12 each for groups of 5 or more

"After an inspirational day exploring the Book of Job last October I can warmly commend this day event." Rt Revd David Hawkins, the Bishop of Barking

Cheques, payable to 'CABC' or Chelmsford Anglican Bible Conference should be sent with names and addresses of attendees to
St Peter's Church Office
Gubbins Lane
Harold Wood

When posting your comments please give a full name and location. Comments without this information may not be posted.


  1. I've always found it intriguing the way things are classified in Australian Yellow pages directories.

    Most of these even include an entry for "Books-Boring."

    But I see that the British Anglican Church is also pretty comprehensive and even has a Bishop of Barking.

  2. In the English Yellow Pages it used to have an entry: "Boring: see Civil Engineers"
